Graphics Plus
Graphics Plus.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
569 lines
* include file for pixel data
#include "vort.h"
#include "objs.h"
#include "status.h"
* types and defs for the ray tracer
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define MESLEN 100
* tolerance value used for tolerance calculation also serves
* as minimum distance we must be from the last surface before
* we register another hit.
#define TOLERANCE 0.0001
* basic raddi for bounding spheres used for calculating object
* tolerance values
#define BS_SQRT2 1.414213563
#define BS_SQRT0PNT5 0.707106782
#define BS_SQRT1PNT25 1.118033990
* where we put infinity
#define HUGE_DIST 1.0e24
typedef float matrix[4][4];
typedef float mat3x3[3][3];
typedef struct cmplx {
float r;
float i;
} complex;
typedef struct v {
float x, y, z;
} vector;
typedef struct uvv {
float u, v;
} uvvec;
typedef struct col {
float r, g, b;
} colour;
typedef struct pix {
float r, g, b, a;
} pixel;
typedef struct td {
vector trans,
mat3x3 mat;
} transdata;
typedef struct w {
vector center;
float amp;
float len;
float phase;
float damp;
struct w *nxt;
} wlist;
* typedefs for texture, bumps, and tile patterns
typedef struct {
float blend;
int octaves; /* range for noise function */
colour blendcolour;
float var[3];
unsigned short pixw, pixh;
char *map;
} proctxt;
typedef struct {
float blend;
float scalew, scaleh;
char *map;
unsigned short pixw, pixh;
} tiletxt;
typedef struct t {
void (*txtcol)(); /* texturing function */
union {
wlist *w; /* List of wave sources */
proctxt *p; /* procedural texture stuff */
tiletxt *t; /* tile texture stuff */
} u;
transdata *td;
struct t *nxt;
} texture;
* general structure for a surface
typedef struct surf {
colour c, a; /* surface and ambient light colour */
float kd, ks; /* diffuse, specular */
int ksexp; /* specular exponent */
float refl, /* reflection */
ri, /* refractive index */
falloff, /* falloff in the media */
trans; /* transparency */
} surface;
#define STACKSIZE 12 /* maximum size of stack structure */
* attribute stack structure
typedef struct at {
int options; /* shading options */
int shadows; /* shadows on or off */
texture *txtlist; /* texturing info */
surface *s; /* surface properties */
int slevel; /* level of most recent suface data */
} attr;
* matrix stack structure
typedef struct mt {
matrix ray2obj, /* ray to object transformation */
obj2ray; /* object to ray transformation */
matrix om; /* current object matrix */
char omused; /* was om used at this level? */
matrix vm; /* current viewing matrix */
char vmused; /* was vm used at this level? */
float maxscale; /* maximum scale applied to an object */
vector nscales; /* scaling factors for normals */
transdata *td; /* transformation data */
int tdlevel; /* level of most recent trans data */
} mats;
* shader stack structure
typedef struct st {
float ri;
float falloff;
} shadedata;
* nodes for storing hit lists
#define ENTRY 1
#define EXIT 2
typedef struct hl {
float t;
struct o *obj;
int type;
struct hl *nxt;
} hlist;
* defs for lights
#define POINT 0
#define DISTANT 2
typedef struct l {
int type;
vector org;
vector dir;
colour c;
float rad;
float cosedge;
float cosin;
float beamdist;
int rays;
int shadows;
struct o **lasthits;
struct l *nxt;
} light;
* the ray structure
typedef struct r {
short raynumber;
float ri, fallof;
vector org, dir;
} ray;
* major axis flags
#define XAXIS 0
#define YAXIS 1
#define ZAXIS 2
#define DIMS 3
* hit types
#define NXFACE 0 /* face faces negative axis */
#define NYFACE 1
#define NZFACE 2
#define PXFACE 3 /* face faces positive axis */
#define PYFACE 4
#define PZFACE 5
#define SIDE 6 /* side of quadric */
* bounding shapes details
typedef struct b {
float max[DIMS];
float min[DIMS];
} bbox;
* object model definitions
typedef struct s {
float radsqu;
vector orig;
} sphere;
typedef struct rg {
vector n;
float intrad, intradsqu;
} ring;
typedef struct to {
float cnst;
} torus;
typedef struct sq {
int ord;
} superquadric;
* typedefs for polygons and polygon models
#define ART_MAXVERTS 256 /* maximum number of vertices */
#define ART_BACKFACING 0x1 /* backfacing bit */
#define PHONGSHADING 0x2 /* phong shading bit */
typedef struct pgy {
unsigned char axis; /* major axis of normal */
unsigned short nsides; /* number of sides */
float cnst; /* const for the polygon's plane */
vector n, on; /* normal - ray/object space */
union {
mat3x3 *mat; /* 3x3 matrix for triangles */
uvvec *verts; /* vertices in u, v space */
} u;
vector *norms; /* vertex normals */
vector *colours; /* vertex colours */
} polygon;
* types for organisation of polygons in geometry
typedef unsigned short vertno;
typedef struct fct {
unsigned char nsides; /* number of sides */
unsigned short index; /* generic index */
vector n; /* unnormalised normal */
float cnst; /* const for the faces plane */
vertno *vertnos; /* vertex numbers */
float minu, maxu, /* min max in u value */
minv, maxv; /* min max in v value */
} facet;
typedef struct gty {
bbox bb; /* bounding box */
int options; /* shading options */
vector *pnorms; /* normals at each polygon */
vector *vnorms; /* normals at each vertex */
vertno **vnormtable; /* table of indexes into norms */
vector *colours; /* colour array */
unsigned short *colourtable; /* indexes into colour array */
float *xs, *ys, *zs; /* x, y, and z values for each vertex */
facet *faces; /* polygon array */
int ntris[DIMS]; /* number of triangles in each axis */
int npolys[DIMS]; /* number of polygons in each axis */
facet *midts[DIMS]; /* middle of triangle array */
float midtval[DIMS]; /* smallest minv in top half of tris */
facet *midps[DIMS]; /* middle of polygon array */
float midpval[DIMS]; /* smallest minv in top half of polys */
} geometry;
* algebraic equation term def and node structure
typedef struct trm {
double coef;
int type;
int xp, yp, zp;
double *xcoefs, *ycoefs, *zcoefs;
struct trm *nxt;
} term;
typedef struct pwl {
int pw;
double *coefs;
struct pwl *nxt;
} pwlist;
typedef struct eq {
int order;
int maxxp, maxyp, maxzp;
pwlist *xpws, *ypws, *zpws;
term *trmlist,
*dxlist, *dylist, *dzlist; /* terms for the partial derivatives */
} eqn;
* csg node structure and defs
#define UNION 1
#define INTERSECT 2
#define SUBTRACT 3
#define ADDED 1
#define SUBTRACTED 2 /* need to flip normal in this case */
typedef struct cs {
int rightb, leftb;
struct o *hitobj, *left, *right;
} csg;
* the composite object
typedef struct co {
struct o *oblist;
} composite;
* expression defs
#define EXP_FLOAT 1
#define EXP_INT 2
#define EXP_VAR 3
#define EXP_ADD 4
#define EXP_SUB 5
#define EXP_MUL 6
#define EXP_DIV 7
#define EXP_UMINUS 8
typedef struct ex {
int type;
union {
float f;
int i;
char *s;
} u;
} expression;
* csg tree def
typedef struct cn {
int type;
union {
struct {
struct cn *left, *right;
} branch;
struct sy *sym;
} u;
} csgnode;
* user colourmap for textures
typedef struct m {
char *m;
int n;
} cmap;
* details to go in objects
typedef struct det {
int type;
union {
vector v;
colour c;
float f;
int i;
term *t;
char *s;
texture *txt;
struct sy *sym;
wlist *w;
cmap *cm;
struct det *det;
struct {
float ri, kd, ks;
int ksexp;
} mat;
struct {
float ang;
int axis;
} rot;
struct {
struct sy *sym;
struct det *det;
} obj;
struct {
csgnode *tree;
struct det *det;
} csgobj;
struct {
expression *expr;
struct det *stmt;
} rpt;
} u;
struct det *nxt;
} details;
* symbol table structure
typedef struct sy {
char *name;
char type;
union {
float f;
int i;
details *det;
struct {
geometry *geom;
vector *pnorms;
vector *vnorms;
} geo;
struct {
vector *norms;
vertno **ntable;
} norm;
struct {
vector *colours;
unsigned short *colourtable;
} cols;
struct {
unsigned short width, height;
char *pic;
} tile;
} u;
struct sy *left, *right;
} symbol;
* tree structure
#define X 0
#define Y 1
#define Z 2
#define DIMS 3
#define LEAF 4
#define SPLITABLELEAF (0x08 | LEAF)
#define SPLITCUTOFF1 40 /* below this value we use a more conservative splitting strategy */
#define SPLITCUTOFF2 3
#define splittable(a) ((a)->type & 0x08)
typedef struct ol {
struct o *obj;
struct ol *nxt;
} olist;
typedef struct kdt {
unsigned char type;
float splitval;
bbox bb;
union {
struct {
int depth;
struct ol *oblist;
} leaf;
struct {
struct kdt *left, *right;
} branch;
} u;
} stree;
* ray mailbox data
typedef struct rd {
float t;
int type;
short raynumber;
} raydata;
* general object structure and defs
typedef struct o {
unsigned char type,
bbox bb;
surface *s;
transdata *td;
texture *txtlist;
raydata lastray;
union {
float cne_tipval;
int spq_order;
csg *csgt;
eqn *alg;
ring *rng;
torus *trs;
stree *tree;
sphere *sph;
polygon *ply;
geometry *geo;
superquadric *spq;
composite *cmp;
} obj;
struct o *nxt;
} object;
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
#ifdef MSC
extern char *smalloc();
#define yywrap() 1
#ifdef VMS
extern char *smalloc();
#define yywrap() 1
extern float eval_fexpr();
extern int eval_iexpr();
extern symbol *insertsym();
extern symbol *findsym();